Hearing Aid Services: Earmold Impressions
When a client requires or prefers a custom hearing aid that perfectly fits the shape of their individual ear canals an "earmold impression" must be taken. This process requires that the client's ear canals be free of wax or debris. The eardrum is protected with the careful insertion of an appropriately sized sponge (otoblock) which prevents leakage of "casting" material toward the eardrum.
A syringe is used to slowly insert the earmold impression material into the client's ear canals. For eardrums where client jaw movement creates a great deal of ear canal "flexing", a client may be required to hold their mouth open during the earmold impression to ensure a tighter fit of the hearing aid or, in some cases, to move their jaw from an open to closed state, repeatedly.
The earmold material takes just a few minutes to harden. Before hardening, a straight line signifying "level" is marked in the material, in the case that directional mics will be included in the hearing aid.
After the material has fully hardened, the airtight seal is broken and the earmolds are removed and checked for integrity (canal length, lack of material voids, etc.). Finally, a quick otoscopy is performed to ensure the ear canal is clean and clear.
The earmolds are packaged and sent to the factory where they will be used to create custom ear plugs, hearing aid shells, or hearing aid earmolds (for BTE's). The earmolds are the property of the client and will be returned to them once processed. There is an non-refundable fee for custom earmold impressions.
UBHearing™ hearing aid services and pricing...
A syringe is used to slowly insert the earmold impression material into the client's ear canals. For eardrums where client jaw movement creates a great deal of ear canal "flexing", a client may be required to hold their mouth open during the earmold impression to ensure a tighter fit of the hearing aid or, in some cases, to move their jaw from an open to closed state, repeatedly.
The earmold material takes just a few minutes to harden. Before hardening, a straight line signifying "level" is marked in the material, in the case that directional mics will be included in the hearing aid.
After the material has fully hardened, the airtight seal is broken and the earmolds are removed and checked for integrity (canal length, lack of material voids, etc.). Finally, a quick otoscopy is performed to ensure the ear canal is clean and clear.
The earmolds are packaged and sent to the factory where they will be used to create custom ear plugs, hearing aid shells, or hearing aid earmolds (for BTE's). The earmolds are the property of the client and will be returned to them once processed. There is an non-refundable fee for custom earmold impressions.
UBHearing™ hearing aid services and pricing...